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Some of the records in our database link to videos that you can watch. Click on the films below.

Barbados (H. Lee Hansen, 1971)

"Scenes from general life in Barbados." UC San Diego Library.

Watch: via UC San Diego Library

Barış Kavgası [Fight For Peace] (Muammer Özer, 1973)

“‘Ben Milyonlarca emekçiden birisiyim barışçıyım ve devrimciyim’ diye başlıyor 12 dakikalık film. Mehmet Özgentürk seslendirmiş. Finlandiyadaki iç savaş ve devrimciler hakkında bilmediğiniz birçok şeyi içinde Enternasyonalin de olduğu Fince marşlar eşliğinde anlatıyor. 1956 yılında gerçekleştirilen 3 hafta süren büyük grevden başlayarak Finlandiya’daki mücadeleyi Nazım şiiri eşliğinde izleyeceksiniz.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/baris-kavgasi/ (30 October 2019).

“The film begins with the sentence, ‘I am one of the millions of workers; I am a pacifist and revolutionist.’ It was narrated by Mehmet Özgentürk. It tells the unknown story of Civil War in Finland and that of Finn revolutionists, synchronized with the local marches. You will watch the Finn revolutionary struggle—since the Great Strike of 1956, lasted 3 weeks—which is accompanied by a Nazım [Hikmet] poem.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/baris-kavgasi/ (30 October 2019).

Watch: http://sinematek.tv/baris-kavgasi/

Barraskiloak [Snails] (Miguel Ángel Quintana, 1984)

Documental sobre el ciclo de vida del caracol.

Documentary about the life cycle of the snail.

Watch: Via Miguel Ángel Quintana's Vimeo Channel

Behind Every Good Man (Nikolai Ursin, 1967)

"Produced several years before the historic Stonewall uprising for LGBT rights in 1969, director Nikolai Ursin's gently-activist short Behind Every Good Man (c. 1967) provides an illuminating glimpse into the life of an African-American trans woman. In strong contrast to the stereotypically negative and hostile depictions of transgender persons as seen through the lens of Hollywood at the time, the subject of Ursin's independent film is rendered as stable, hopeful and well-adjusted. The resulting intimate portrait serves as a rare cultural artifact of transgender life and African-American life in the U.S. at the mid-century," UCLA Film & Television Archive.

Watch: UCLA FTVA on Archive.org

Behind the Scenes at Central Cinematographers (Margaret Conneely, 1963)

"A silent documentary that follows a group from Central Cinematographers as they view, discuss and shoot films. The process of filmmking becomes transparent as the actors are seen alongside the equipment that lights and films them as well as the large number of people that are needed to prepare for a scene." Chicago Film Archives

Watch: Behind the Scenes at Central Cinematographers via Chicago Film Archives

Bella Matadora, La [The Beautiful Killer] (Ángel Bernal, 1979)

La mantis religiosa o “Santa Teresa” es un pequeño insecto que abunda en nuestros campos. En su extraña apariencia encierra instintos caníbales, lo que hace que la hembra, con mucha frecuencia, devore al macho durante o después de su apareamiento. La película recoge los distintos aspectos de la vida de la mantis religiosa. (Bienal de cine científico español, 1983)

The praying mantis or "Saint Theresa" is a small insect abundant in our fields. In its strange appearance, lie cannibal instincts, often provoking the female mantis to devour the male mantis during or after mating. The film depicts the different aspects of the praying mantis' life. (Bienal de cine científico español, 1983)

Watch: Via Miguel Ángel Quintana's Vimeo Channel

Beyoğlu 68 (Artun Yeres, 1968)

“Beyoğlu 68 Üzerine Beyoğlu’nu filme çekmeye karar verdik. Artun yönetecek, ben kamerayı kullanacaktım. Güç bela birkaç kutu pelikülle 16 mm.lik bir kamera edindik ve Mayıs 68’de Beyoğlu’na çıktık. Artun bana kaydedilmesini istediği şeyleri gösteriyor, ben çekiyordum. Amaç tüketim toplumunu eleştirmekti ama senaryo yoktu. İşin kurguda bağlanacağını biliyorduk […].” Jak Şalom, sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/beyoglu-68/ (25 October 2019).

“On Beyoğlu 68: ‘We decided to film Beyoğlu. Artun had to direct it and I was responsible for the camera operations. We hardly found a box of unexposed film as well as a 16mm camera and started wandering around Beyoğlu. Artun was telling me what to shoot and I was recording. The purpose was to critique consumer society, but there was no script. We knew that we need to deal with it during the process of montage’ […].” Jak Şalom, sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/beyoglu-68/ (25 October 2019).

Watch: http://sinematek.tv/beyoglu-68/

Bill’s Bike (William Steuber, 1939)

"An experimental film about a boy owning a bicycle and learning the proper safety rules on the road." Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research

Watch: Via archive.org

Bold Badmen (Casimer V. Zaleski, 1949)

"Handsome and hard hitting, Bold Badmen is a Western filmed as Westerns should be filmed — without romance, without singing, but with plenty of shooting, plenty of horsemanship and plenty of very tough looking and acting characters. Casimer V. Zaleski knows that movement makes a movie. Bold Badmen is crammed with both kinds — physical and cinematic. Unfortunately, the physical condition of the film (which was inexcusably scratched and dirty) did much to restrain the enthusiasm of the judges for a melodrama of real power." Movie Makers, Dec. 1949, 468-469.

Watch: "The Zaleski Brothers Film Festival" featuring Bold Badmen

Building of “Conny”, The (Robbins Barstow , 1975)

"In 1975, Connecticut made the sperm whale its official state animal, as a symbol of conservation. The following year, a group of volunteers from the Connecticut Cetacean Society spent over 5,000 hours building a life-size, 60-foot, ferro-cement model of a male sperm whale, on the grounds of the Children's Museum in West Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Director of the project was Robbins Barstow, who filmed this dramatic, home-made documentary." Archive.org

Watch: via A/V Geeks (Archive.org)

Butterfly with Four Birthdays, The (Sidney N. Laverents, 1965)

"The Butterfly with Four Birthdays is a well done documentary on the life cycle of the Anise Swallowtail (Papilio Zelicaon). The Zelicaon, often mistaken for the Monarch, lives in the Western United States and lays her eggs on the anise plant, also known as sweet fennel. From the egg comes the baby caterpillar, thirdly the pupa or chrysalis stage, and finally, on its fourth birthday, the butterfly. This film also received the MPD Nature Film Award" PSA Journal, Sept. 1965, 50.

Watch: via A/V Geeks, Archive.org

Button Ballet (Albert Noble, 1967)

"Button Ballet is a nifty little piece of animation. A number of buttons do a ballet set to Brahms music in one of the most masterfully executed animation films ever seen in this competition" PSA Journal, Aug. 1967, 36.

Watch: A digitized version of Button Ballet via EAFA

Calles negras, Las [The black streets] (Felipe Tirado, 1971)

"A successful man living in a great metropolis is increasing awareness of the unjust social reality that lives in the absurdity. This immerses him in a uneasiness that sinks into alcoholism and depression. In his wandering through the streets viewer gets to be the unfortunate suicide of another victim of the meaninglessness of life, which will produce a series of dreamlike hallucinations bordering on the madness. In a stroke of consciousness of his misfortune, he does run aimlessly without course. Devastated, to the dawn, with the light of the dawn he sees to be reborn the hope personified in an innocent girl who stretches the hand donating bread" Internet Archive.

Watch: Via Internet Archive

Camera on Chicago (Warren Thompson, 1983)

"This film is 'a love letter to the city' from Chicago native and filmmaker Warren E. Thompson. It is a continuing effort to record some of the events, characteristics, problems and glories of Chicago. Footage includes architecture, sculpture, housing, Lake Michigan, Chinatown, parades, Maxwell Street Market, and the people of Chicago. Thompson captures life and culture from the most affluent to the poverty stricken." Chicago Film Archives.

Watch: via Chicago Film Archives

Campus Smiles (Henry Royce , 1920)

"Campus Smiles uses a playful tone to document the faculty, student body, and life at UW-Madison during the early 1920s. This documentary short is a compelling chronicle of the local culture at one of the nation’s largest universities and offers a glimpse into the undergraduate sphere of the immediate post-WWI era. In it, humorous intertitles penned in early twentieth-century American slang introduce campus personalities and comment on social events." Archive.org

Watch: Archive.org

Canada Coast to Coast (Part 1) (Julian Gromer , 1956)

"2 part edited travelogue film beginning in Ontario and working west to British Columbia, documenting the resources, landscape and recreation of Canada. Includes a large amount of natural scenery, but also diverse events such as fishing, a rodeo and water sports. Also gives a look into factories and resorts." Chicago Film Archives

Watch: chicagofilmarchives.org

Canada Coast to Coast (Part 2) (Julian Gromer , 1956)

"2 part edited travelogue film beginning in Ontario and working west to British Columbia, documenting the resources, landscape and recreation of Canada. Includes a large amount of natural scenery, but also diverse events such as fishing, a rodeo and water sports. Also gives a look into factories and resorts." Chicago Film Archives

Watch: chicagofilmarchives.org

Çatalağzı Kuyusu (Behlül Dal, 1975)

“Zonguldak Çatalağzı isimli kömür çıkarma kuyusunu 26 eylül 1969 yılında su basmış. Bu kuyu o dönem en fazla kömür üretimi gerçekleştirilen kuyu imiş. TKİ bir proje kapsamında suyu boşaltmış [...].” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/catalagzi-kuyusu-1975/ (20 November 2019).

“The coal mine in Zonguldak, named Çatalağzı, was overflowed on September 26, 1969. The coal mine was the most productive one in the country at the time. Turkey's Directorate General of Coal Enterprises (the abbreviation “TKİ” stands for the Directorate) designed a project to put the water out [...].” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/catalagzi-kuyusu-1975/ (20 November 2019).

Watch: https://vimeo.com/360764652

Central America (H. Lee Hansen, 1960)

Kodachrome travelogue showing life and culture in Guatemala and Panama.

Watch: via UC San Diego Library

Close to You By the Carpenters (David Strutzel, 1970)

"A stop-animation film set to the song “Close to You” by The Carpenters. It was made by a Chicago high school student as a hobby back in 1971. It went onto win an award from the “Young Chicago Filmmakers Festival” that same year." Chicago Film Archives

Watch: chicagofilmarchives.org

Cocu, Le (Miguel Ángel Quintana, 1971)

Film experimental de animación que cuenta una pequeña historia de infidelidad conyugal.

Experimental animation film that tells a short story about marriage infidelity.

Watch: Via Miguel Ángel Quintana's Vimeo Channel

Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther (Raymond Dowidat , 1939)

"Filmed in 1939 by the town doctor, Cologne is a personalized portrait of a farming community that merited only a single sentence in the WPA’s 1938 guidebook to Minnesota: “COLOGNE (945 alt., 355 pop.) is a German community named for the ancient city on the Rhine.” Dr. Raymond Dowidat and his wife, Esther, arrived in 1937 for his first practice after internship, and the impulse for the film seems to have arisen from their desire to document Cologne before they moved on to his next position in Minneapolis." filmpreservation.org

Watch: Via filmpreservation.org

Columbia River Adventure (Part 1) (Julian Gromer , 1950)

"Edited travelogue footage of a trip down the Columbia River. Along with scenic views, industrial processes are documented such as harvesting grain, canning salmon, making plywood and the factory production of sweaters." Chicago Film Archives

Watch: chicagofilmarchives.org

Columbia River Adventure (Part 2) (Julian Gromer , 1950)

"Edited travelogue footage of a trip down the Columbia River. Along with scenic views, industrial processes are documented such as harvesting grain, canning salmon, making plywood and the factory production of sweaters." Chicago Film Archives

Watch: chicagofilmarchives.org

Come with Us to China! (Robbins Barstow , 1985)

"In September 1985, Robbins Barstow and his wife Meg, of Wethersfield, Connecticut, USA, went on a four-week tour of China. This personalized travelogue includes visits to Shanghai, Beijing, the Great Wall, Xian, Guilin, and a cruise down the Yangtze River." Archive.org

Watch: via A/V Geeks (Archive.org)

Common Mistakes and Their Correction (Kenneth F. Space, 1939)

"On camera techniques. Illustrates poor photographic scenes, what caused them, and how to avoid them." National Archives.

Watch: via National Archives

Contretemps (, 1954)

A married couple responds to a newspaper ad seeking homes for foreign delegates visiting America. The couple receives the news that their guests are coming from Hong Kong, China, and they begin to alter their home and appearances to adjust to Chinese customs. However, when the delegates arrive, they do not meet the couple's expectations.

Watch: via the G.R.A.M.C. Film Library

Curaçao (H. Lee Hansen, 1971)

"Hansen gives to Curacao, a Caribbean territory of Netherlands, a visit. He films the industrial, residential, and commercial areas of Willemstad." UC San Diego Library.

Watch: via UC San Diego Library

Davud ve Golyat [David and Goliath] (Muammer Özer, 1975)

“1975 yılında yapılmıştır. İngiltere'nin İrlanda’daki sömürüsü, politik mahkumları, özgürlük mücadelesi hakkında 5 dakikalık bir filmdir. Dönemin görsel materyal azlığı koşullarında bol fotoğrafla ve az görüntülü bilgilendirme amaçlı bir filmdir.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/davut-ile-golyat/ (1 November 2019).

“It was made in 1975. This 5-minute-long film is about the British exploitation in Ireland, the political struggle [of the Irish people], and the fight for freedom. Because of the lack of visual material at the time of production, it purposefully benefits from the use of [the historical] photographs as counter-information.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/davut-ile-golyat/ (1 November 2019).

Watch: http://sinematek.tv/davut-ile-golyat/

Day of Horror, A (Ramon Galindo, 1964)

"This amateur horror film, made by longtime Austin resident Ramon Galindo, follows a group of kids as they go fishing. When one girl falls and injures herself, she is taken by a Frankenstein-esque villian to an abandoned, rural house where he prepares a potion to give her as she lays on skeleton bones. When the girl makes a run for it, her friends and a sheriff’s officer join in to help rescue the girl and capture the villain. This film was made in 1964 with children from Austin’s Travis Heights neighborhood. Austin local Chris Crow plays the villain and commissioned the music for the film locally. It was shot in Hays County between Kyle and San Marcos, Texas" Texas Archive of the Moving Image.

Watch: via Texas Archive of the Moving Image

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