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Ackley Lower Impression Technic, The

Date produced: 1941


Harry Coleman


"The term, "perfect," is not one to be given lightly, but The Ackley Lower Impression Technic, a dental study, earns such comment, because there is no other word that fits. Harry Coleman, the producer, here shows a complete mastery of the camera. The film, of greatest interest to dental technicians, carries brief, double exposed titles that make each progressive step thoroughly clear to those versed in the phraseology. The titles appear at the proper time, superimposed upon the scene but out of the field of action, thus serving as a visual commentary. To anybody who is interested in dental filming, this movie might well serve as a model of a technical film, for it features extreme closeups, work in areas of the mouth difficult to film and a lighting technique indicative of real study and much experience. The exposure, especially important in showing the slight variations of color in parts of the mouth, is unusually accurate. Rarely does one see so satisfying an accomplishment in films of this specialized type." Movie Makers, Dec. 1941, 564.

Activities at the Sir Robert Jones Memorial Workshop for Cripples - Liverpool

Date produced: 1936


Alexander James Briscoe


"The Workshop trains physically handicapped people over school age. Activities featured are the General Committee at work - ladies seated around a table; a medical inspection - boys are weighed and have their chests, throats and limbs examined; all stages of book - binding; dinner time in the kitchen and the canteen; recreation; table - tennis, cards, reading, sewing, bagatelle, etc; needlework and embroidery room - women sewing at a long table; more scenes in the bindery; men busy in a leather workshop; and finally (in colour) a display of finished goods, and groups of workers, outside in the yard." (NWFA Online Archive)

African Prince, The

Date produced: 1947


Julian Gromer


"Silent film set in a small African village. The King takes his young son, the Prince, on a journey to teach him lessons on how to be a great leader by showing appreciation and care for the people they rule. The King guides the Prince to help care for the ill suffering from leprosy, learn skills like farming the land, making clothing and building shelter, and enrolls him in school to get an education and learn religion. The film shows many skills and medical processes of African villagers in detail from start to finish." Chicago Film Archives

Amigo Enemigo [Friend Enemy]

Date produced:


Eloy González Gavilán


Una mujer camina por el paisaje entre ruidos. Hace fuego para calentarse un poco de comida pero un sonido la invade. Se encuentra con un soldado muerto dentro del bosque.

A woman walks through a landscape while noises are heard. She makes a fire to warm some food but a sound overcomes her. She finds a dead soldier inside the woods.

An Anaesthetic Fantasy

Date produced: 1940


Ernest H. Kremer


"When Ernest Kremer wanted to make a film which would include his family and, at the same time, be entertaining to outsiders, he devised An Anaesthetic Fantasy, an ingenious tale of the nightmare of a dental patient under laughing gas. The patient imagines that he returns home, and there things begin to happen that confound him and the audience, too. Clever trick work, dissolves and stop motion are used to create this section of the film. Mr. Kremer has proved that the 8mm. worker need not bow to his 16mm. brothers when it comes to producing cine illusions. The film was presented with a delightfully appropriate selection of musical records played on a dual turntable outfit." Movie Makers, Dec. 1940, 601-602.

And How!

Date produced: 1927


Russell T. Ervin


"This proved to be an unusual serio-comedy, telling of a restless young husband and how he was cured. It was very well acted by Alfred Fontana as the husband, Margaret Ervin as the vamp, Anne Howe, and Beatrice Traendly as the wife. The directon of Russell T. Ervin Jr. was remarkably good, revealing an unusual facility for telling a story concisely and quickly. Then too, he understood how to cover any histrionic imperfections of his cast. 'And How!' is a suprisingly neat amateur film" Photoplay, June. 1928, 66

Appointment With Fear

Date produced: 1956


Julius Sergay


"A Hitchcock type film, the star's fear all being caused by an appointment with the dentist, but under the gas he dreams of meeting an attractive girl. But he wakes up just as it gets interesting." PSA Journal, Nov. 1956, 45.

As Ye Sow

Date produced: 1944


Walter Bergmann


"In As Ye Sow, Walter Bergmann has made a record of a Victory garden around the plot of the conscientious worker as contrasted to the indolent one. Mr. Shirker in his wishful thinking, through a dream sequence, takes the local prize for vegetables before the digging even begins. As the season progresses, Mr. Worker grows a fine garden, while his opponent achieves a harvest of weeds in spite of his bribes to helpers to produce his garden for him while he goes fishing. The players are well chosen and directed, and there is an amusing and well acted climax in which Mr. Shirker gets his inevitable just deserts." Movie Makers, Dec. 1944, 495.

Battle of the Bulge

Date produced: 1960


John R. Kibar

Evelyn Kibar


"An amateur film made by and starring the husband and wife duo, John & Evelyn Kibar. Title cards with dialogue are dispersed throughout the film." Chicago Film Archives

Be Beautiful?

Date produced: 1938


Cyrus Pinkham


"Dramatic short of a frumpy woman's dream of the alternate course her life might take were she a beauty." oldfilm.org

Total Pages: 10