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Navajo Seasons

Date produced:


Sallie Wagner


"Un-staged documentary footage shot and edited by Sallie Wagner. Sallie's description of the film: 'Wide Ruins and area, farming Navajos, Black Rock - Medicine Man, Cut Hair plowing, Joe Toddy following Cut Hair, planting, Patsy Martin standing on Cultivator, Jim House's wife husking corn, Paul Jones helping husk corn, sheep dipping at Ganado, Dwight Wagner viewing sheep dipping, wool shearing at Wide Ruins, loading sheep at Chambers, tall man in tan outfit Bill Cousins, Bent Knee sitting on fence, Crip Chee's grandson in closing scene'." New Mexico States Archives.

Navajo Weaving I

Date produced:


Sallie Wagner


"Part one of Navajo Weaving. Un-staged documentary footage shot and edited by Sallie Wagner. Sallie's description of the film: 'Crip Chee's Hogan, Milton Davis holding lamb, Eleanor Johnson from Hawaii, Bill Lippincott, Grandstaff (center), Hosteen Glish - purchase of rams for up-breeding, shearing at Wide Ruins, Jim House on horseback, Joe Toddy taking wool out for sorting and sacking for shipment, dipping in chute, Walter Ashley putting sheep in dip, Little Shorty to left, washing the wool before spinning, Patsy Martin sorting, Sybil Shorty carding wool, Dorothy Lippincott Stockton trying to learn, Louise Dale spinning wool, washing of yarn, gathering plants for dyes, Little Woman (Captive of Kit Carson - survived the Long March) grey-haired woman - stripping bark from Juniper root for red dye'." New Mexico States Archives.

Navajo Weaving II

Date produced:


Sallie Wagner


"Part two of Navajo Weaving. Un-staged documentary footage shot and edited by Sallie Wagner. Sallie's description of the film: 'Rose Martin, Patsy Martin warping, Sybil Shorty weaving, looms built by the Lippincotts at the Wide Ruins Indian School, Madge Clark, Dan Gaddy, and John Joe in front of the trading post, Bill Lippincott in patio with rug display, Bill Cousins selling rug to tourist'." New Mexico State Archives.

New England Autumn

Date produced: 1947


Hamilton H. Jones


"Hamilton H. Jones has again shown his marvelous ability to combine beautiful movies and fine music on the double turntable into a cinematic whole that, in New England Autumn, carries an audience through the calm delight of fall days to a climax that has great dignity and spiritual stimulation. We see autumn in its most restful and wistful mood, and the action is slowly paced in harmony with the dying year. There is leisurely strolling in the many hued woods. The leaves on the ground are scuffed through and gently scattered. We see the things that we all like to do in the forests in autumn. Finally, in an arresting sequence of autumn fruits — great, gleaming pumpkins and ruddy apples — the music turns to the inspiriting old Dutch hymn of thanksgiving. Rising first orchestrally and then voiced by a thousand singers, the chorus ends as our eyes are lifted to the simple spire of a New England church. Here is suavity, here is intelligent movie making and here are dignity and spiritual uplift." Movie Makers, Dec. 1947, 534.

New England Frames

Date produced: 1949


Lester F. Shaal


"Lester F. Shaal demonstrates, in New England Frames, what editing of existing footage can achieve. He has compiled from scenes of numerous sections of the Northeast a record of the year's seasons. Although the opening sequence of a train departing in a snowstorm seems to presage a more dramatic theme than that which follows, Mr. Shaal has captured the flavor of the New England countryside in all its seasonal beauty. Particularly competent in the winter sequence are the smooth follow shots of skiers. A little streamlining in the overall coverage would not have impaired the attractions of even this land of the early settlers." Movie Makers, Dec. 1950, 468.

New England Holiday

Date produced: 1938


Albert F. Watts


"New England Holiday is the kind of travel film any movie maker should be proud to produce. Replete with human interest and a warm feeling of good fun, this two reel record is distinguished by a wealth of splendid compositions and natural camera treatment. Albert F. Watts has lavished on such typically New England subjects as Gloucester harbor, the fishing fleet or a clam bake the sensitive feeling of an artist for line and mass and the alert understanding of cinematics of a genuine movie maker. Smoothly integrated sequences have been edited with unerring suavity and liveliness, comprising a whole which is both vital and lovely to look at. The production is fundamentally weakened only by a selection of title wordings considerably less spirited and effective than the films which they accompany." Movie Makers, Dec. 1938, 620.

New Orleans Funeral

Date produced: 1962


Jules L. Cahn


"Those who have not attended a New Orleans funeral may look forward to an experience. These are colored funerals for lodge members and important persons. Lodge brothers and sisters dress in their fraternal regalia. Men in uniform, braid, sashes, aprons, plumed hats, swords, long coats. Women in white uniforms or long skirts and complimentary headgear. The choice of dress befits the occasion. The Eureka Brass band Furnishes the music-fast marches to the funeral home, dirges to the cemetery, hymns at the graveside. Leaving the grave, jazz music is played as it is propitious to celebrate, a good time for dancing. Many impromptu dances set up along the return route. to hear the band music is enough to get one to attend a New Orleans funeral. The beat is almost hypnotic" PSA Journal, Oct. 1962, 36.

New York

Date produced: 1933


Emile Gallet


A short pan of downtown New York City.

New York Rockefeller Center

Date produced: 1933


Emile Gallet


A short film of the New York Rockefeller Center under construction.

Northwoods Adventures

Date produced: 1951


Frank E. Gunnell


"Northwoods Adventures is a plumply constructed and neatly tied half-hour package of travel through the Adirondack area. Evident in it are the well known technical skills, the smooth sequencing and the attractive titles which mark all the movies of Frank E. Gunnell. But the picture seems a package, nevertheless — and a package for a purpose. One gets the impression that the producer, as he edited, had his eye on the guest-lecturer's clock at a luncheon club meeting — rather than on the crisp continuities of movie making per se." Movie Makers, Dec. 1951, 412.

Total Pages: 22