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Nosotros sí existimos [We do exist]

Date produced: 1972


"El guión tenía una fuerte influencia de La hora de los hornos, y tendía a la explicación pedagógica de las condiciones de opresión, mostrando la diferencia entre la forma de vida de ricos y pobres y con una explicación sencilla de cómo el capitalismo sienta las bases de una explotación que finalmente es la base de las razones de la huelga [El filme muestra la huelga de Rivetex en Cuernavaca] . El título de la película (Nosotros sí existimos) jugaba con el término legal que había declarado la huelga inexistente" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012). "The script had a strong influence of The hour of the furnaces , and it tended to a pedagogical explanation of the conditions of oppression, showing the difference between the way of life of the rich and the poor, along with a simple explanation of how capitalism sets the basis for exploitation, which is the origin of the strike [The film portrays the Rivetex strike in Cuernavaca]. The title of the film [We do exist] played with the legal term that had declared the strike non-existent" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).

Oliver Twist

Date produced: 1940


David Bradley


David Bradley's amateur feature film adaptation of Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist.

Opeechee Stream Bridge, Searsport

Date produced: 1949


Walter Mitton


"Bridge construction, Meadow Brook Bridge, Maine. 'Opeechee Stream Bridge, Searsport' 'The Gypsie Bridge Builders enjoy the summer breezes of Penobscot Bay while replacing one of the few stone bridges remaining on Route 1.' Detailed documentation of bridge building in rural Maine." oldfilm.org

Otro País [Another Country]

Date produced: 1972


"En este cortometraje se narra la resistencia al régimen en la ciudad de Monterrey, en el estado de Nuevo León, a través de varios frentes: la irrupción de un grupo de sindicalistas independientes en el desfile oficial del 20 de noviembre, con la presencia del gobernador Luis M. Farías; la invasión de tierras y la presencia de organizaciones vecinales en Topo Chico; los muertos por un accidente laboral en la Fundidora Monterrey; las huelgas de obreros de la CTM y de panaderos de la CROC (dos poderosos sindicatos oficiales), o la actividad vecinal del Grupo 2 de Octubre en la colonia Días Ordaz" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).

"This short film tells the story of the resistance against the regime in Monterrey city, in the state of Nuevo León, through several perspectives: the irruption of a group of independent union laborers in the official November 20th parade, with the presence of governor Luis M. Farías; the invasion of land and the presence of neighborhood organizations in Topo Chico; the dead by a working accident in Fundidora Monterrey [Monterrey Foundry]; the strikes of CTM workers and CROC bakers (two powerful official labor unions), or the activities of neighbors of the October 2 Group in Diaz Ordaz vicinity" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).

Outside the Big Top

Date produced: 1945


Guy Nelli


"What happens behind the scenes is always of interest to curious people — and most of us are curious. Remembering the delighted boys who sometimes get odd jobs in the backyard of the circus, Guy Nelli elected to let us see what they have seen, in Outside the Big Top. Not once are we shown the performance for which the whole effort is made, since Mr. Nelli very properly stays outside with his camera. Beginning with interesting and well filmed scenes of the circus in its early morning arrival, Mr. Nelli shows us how the Big Top is set up and carries us along until the show has ended. Odds are that he is a persuasive talker as well as a fine movie maker, because he got some of the best portrait and "candid" scenes of the performers that one will meet in many a day." Movie Makers, Dec. 1945, 496.

Oxy-Acetylene Welding

Date produced: 1942


Ray L. Garner


"Good teaching films are not easy to produce, and welding activities are not easy to film. In making this picture, Ray Garner and the Harmon Foundation have solved both problems in a highly satisfactory manner. The procedures are clearly and simply outlined in titles which are combined with unusually fine camera work, to produce a well integrated whole. Done almost entirely in closeups, the actual welding scenes show perfect exposure and, in many instances, very interesting angles. The film was made at Hampton Institute, in Virginia, and a student demonstrates the proper techniques in procedure. The title art work was especially good in this film, and the entire production showed the effects of a well organized plan and a careful procedure." Movie Makers, Dec. 1942, 509.


Date produced: 1932


Fred C. Ells

Ruth Ells


"Documentary: On peasant farm life in Korea, the rice crop and family labor." National Archives.

"'Rice,' a three reel subject in the educational class entered by F. C. Ells of Yokohama, Japan, demonstrated a fine appreciation of production and photographic values as well as how to combine it so as to make entertainment. Many were of the opinion that this picture, if it were in 35mm, would be worthy of professional theatre presentation." American Cinematographer, Dec. 1933, 321.

Rizumu 1932 nen [Rhythm 1932]

Date produced: 1932


Yasuo Kaneko


"In Rizumu 1932 nen (Rhythm 1932, 9.5mm, 1932), Kaneko played with rhythm by means of editing, this time by thematizing a large construction site where he captured machinery and workers. While he did not use as many shots of short duration as he did in Kōkyōgaku, he meticulously combined close-ups with various shots of low and skewed angles. In his personal memo, Kaneko left only a one-sentence description of Rizumu 1932 nen, suggesting that the film reflected his effort to create a rhythmic composition by integrating themes and styles." - Noriko Morisue, "Filming the Everyday: History, Theory, and Aesthetics of Amateur Cinema in Interwar and Wartime Japan" (Yale University: PhD Dissertation, 2020): 110.


Date produced: 1932


E. G. Thompson


"'Ry-Lock,' a most unusual subject produced by E. G. Thompson, of Oakland, California. Apparently, Mr. Thompson is either connected with a lock manufactory, or in a position to know a great deal about this work through friends or relatives in the business. At any rate, he combined cinephotography and lockmaking to produce an usually interesting film of considerable pictorial merit. He took the making of a lock as his subject, and followed its evolution from the raw materials and blueprint through all of the processes of manufacture and assembly, up to the finished product, inserted in a door and ready for use." American Cinematographer, Feb. 1934, 415.

Sacrificarsi [Self-Sacrifice]

Date produced: 1935


Arrigo Colombo


"a sogg. lungh. norm."/Fiction feature film
"Sacrificarsi, realizzato da Arrigo Colombo; aiuto direttore Ottorino Caramazza; scenografia di Brando Savelli, operatore Elio Luxardo. Come il precedente film di Arrigo Colombo, Alta Tensione, anche questo Sacrificarsi e a carattere episodico; il centro dell'azione e stavolta una miniera, che e stata completamente ricostruita nelle proporzioni necessarie allo svolgimento della trama. Il sacrificio è quello di un operaio; e il momento in cui lo trasportano con le gambe penzoloni dal carrello, fuori della galleria, di fronte agli sguardi della moglie e del figlioletto, e il momento più felice del film, in cui si ricono­sce che ormai Colombo ha raggiunto alcune qualità che per taluni aspetti possono essere defi­nite professionali; Colombo ·mostra in più punti la sua abilita, e questa forse lo tradisce talora, specie quando egli perde il filo del racconto prin­cipale per illustrare motivi di contorno; ma in ciò forse egli e stato indotto dalla mancanza di un movente drammatico del soggetto che fosse giustificato da uno schema più complesso. I per­sonaggi sono ben descritti e sopratutto piace il bambino con quel suo sfarfallio in contrasto col lavoro delta miniera." —Il Ventuno 28 (Review of the G.U.F. of Venice), May 1935

"Self-Sacrifice (Sacrificarsi), directed by Arrigo Colombo; assistant director Ottorino Caramazza; set design by Brando Savelli; cameraman Elio Luxardo. Like Arrigo Colombo's previous film, High Tension, Making Sacrifices is also episodic in nature; the center of action this time is a mine, which has been completely rebuilt to proportions necessary for the development of the plot. The sacrifice is that of a worker, and the moment in which he is transported with his legs dangling from the trolley, out of the tunnel, in front of the eyes of his wife and small son, is the happiest moment of the film, in which we recognize that Colombo has attained certain qualities that in some respects can be called professional; Colombo shows in several points his ability, and this perhaps betrays him sometimes, especially when he loses the thread of the main story to elaborate the backdrop and contextual events, but to this perhaps he was tempted to do so is due to the lack of a dramatic incident in the plot that would have justified the more complex scheme. The characters are well-described and especially likable is the child with his flickering that contrasts with the work of the mine."
—Il Ventuno 28 (Review of the G.U.F. of Venice), May 1935

Total Pages: 8