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Sea, The

Date produced: 1928


Hiram Percy Maxim


"Third prize in the non-dramatic division was given to Hiram Percy Maxim, of 276 North Whitley Street, Hartford, Conn., for his beautiful scenic, "The Sea." Mr. Maxim submitted four 16 millimeter films in the contest and another of these, "Summer," was awarded an honorable mention. Mr. Maxim is the pioneer president of the Amateur Cinema League and a national leader in amateur cinematography." Photoplay, Nov. 1929, 86

Sleep-Inn Beauty

Date produced: 1930


Dorothea Mitchell

Harold Harcourt

Fred G. Cooper

Lloyd Small


"SleepInn Beauty is a comedy situated around a bathing beauty contest based on a story adapted by Dorothea Mitchell. Filmed over two days North of Port Arthur near Mitchell's camp at Surprise Lake, Wally McComber (the "Goof" of A Race for Ties) played the leading man and Maye Flatt, the leading lady. Fred Cooper shared the photography duties with Lloyd Small and took a minor acting role. In addition, over sixty extras were bussed in from Port Arthur to take part. The film was never exhibited publicly although, considering Mitchell's efforts with A Race for Ties, it was most certainly shown privately." Ladylumberjack.ca

Solduc To The Blue

Date produced: 1948


Theodore H. Sarchin


"The Blue refers to a glacier of majestic proportions high in the Olympic Mountains of northern Washington. Solduc, a small station in the Hoh Valley, is the point from which Theodore H. Sarchin and his two companions set out with high hopes to conquer the formidable ascent to the famous ice fields. Although they reach the Blue, the sun has been there first, softening the ice, and they must turn back without having attained the summit. Inherent in the film is a deep reverence for the wild, inspiring beauty of the scene, which clearly communicates itself to the audience — no small achievement in an amateur travel study. This reverence never becomes mawkish, the pedestrian titles and homely incidents en route nicely counterbalancing it. Superior camera work makes the most of the setting, while skillful editing combined the best elements of story and scene to make a dramatic presentation. An expertly scored musical accompaniment adds impressively to enjoyment of Solduc To The Blue." Movie Makers, Dec. 1948, 492.

Story of Water, The

Date produced: 1933


Frank H. Demarest


"This picture was a finely photographed record of water from the ocean to the clouds and back to the ocean again through its various stages. His photography rated high." American Cinematographer, Dec. 1934, 377.

"The one reel film, Water, is a pleasant blending of plan and montage. In it, Howard Demarest, ACL, has traced what may be termed the life cycle of water — from its restless abundance in the great oceans, its radiant journey to banking clouds, the return in rainfall, until, through the coursing of streams and rivers, it blends once more in the sea. Parts of this great, natural continuity Mr. Demarest had on film before the present picture was definitely conceived. Other parts he made following the conception, sometimes to fill it out, again to improve it with retakes. In all these deftly integrated sequences his photography is consistently crisp, sparkling and steady. In many of the scenic views it approaches perfection in beauty of composition and lighting. Attractive and well worded titles round out a piece of work that is definitely superior." Movie Makers, Dec. 1933, 522.

Symphony of Nature

Date produced: 1932


Paul Burnford


An artistic interpretation of various natural environments.

Tercer suspiro, El [The third sigh]

Date produced: 1970


Alfredo Gurrola


"EL TERCER SUSPIRO. Separa de un grupo de paseantes en la Alameda a un joven que al aceptar la invitación a subir a un auto que le hacen tres desconocidos (identificados con el movimiento revolucionario de 1910, mediante un montaje de fotografías de la época), durante el paseo por el Periférico se ve acometido por una serie de evocaciones imaginarias. Primero se le ve huir del coche saltando a un paso de peatones, y ser acosado a través de casas derruidas. Al regresar al tiempo presente uno de los hombres le pone la mano en un revólver. Después se ve en un lugar desierto, penosamente sostenido en pie por un aparato ortopédico, mientras una marea creciente lo empieza a cubrir. En ese punto desciende del coche en marcha y se coloca en el centro de la carretera, amenazando con el arma a algo que se aproxima; pero antes de que se produzca el disparo evoca un encuentro amoroso. Esta acción se repite varias veces antes de disolverse en las imágenes de un lago que ahora lo ha cubierto todo"(Garmendia en Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).

"THE THIRD SIGH. Separates a young man from a group of pedestrians in the Alameda, when he accepts an invitation by three unknown men to get into a car (the men were identified with the revolutionary movement of 1910 through a photographic montage of the time), during the ride through Periférico, he is undertaken by a series of imaginary evocations. First he is seen running away from the car, jumping to a crosswalk, and being harassed through demolished houses. When coming back to the present, one of the men puts his hand on a revolver gun. Afterwards, he is seen in a desert place, shamefully sustained by an orthopedic device, while a rising tide starts to cover him. At this point he descends from the moving car and goes to the center of the highway, menacing with his gun something that is approaching; but before the shot is produced, a loving encounter is evoked. This image is repeated several times before dissolving into images of a lake that has now covered everything" (Garmendia in Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).

Thetford Palace Sound News: Lakenheath Floods

Date produced: 1937


Ben Culey


"Local sound newsreel, made by Ben Culey, shows the floods at Lakenheath." (EAFA)

This Side of Paradise

Date produced: 1936


A. Scott Moorhouse


"The prizewinner for color, 'This Side of Paradise,' was in Kodachrome and entered by A. Scott Moorhouse of Toronto, a member of the Toronto Amateur Movie Club. The locale of the subject was the Italian and Swiss mountains and lakes. The decision on color or rather the reaching of it constituted one of the committee's chief headaches. There were some remarkable examples submitted. Mr. Moorhouse has a right to feel proud of his product." American Cinematographer, Jan. 1938, 27.

Tiburón, tiburón [Shark, shark]

Date produced: 1976


Miguel Ángel Quintana


Pequeña historia de náufragos donde una mujer es llevada por sus más ardorosos sentimientos, comprobando los límites del egoísmo del hombre.

Short story about castaways in which a woman is carried away by her most burning feelings, proving the limits of man's selfishness.

Tobermory Shipwrecks

Date produced: 1965


Jack McKenney


"Tobermory Shipwrecks provides some good views of sunken ships in the Tobermory region, located at the northern tip of the southern Ontario peninsula that separates Lake Huron from Georgian Bay. Much of the underwater photography is well done, and the producer gives tips on underwater photographic equipment and how to use it" PSA Journal, Sept. 1965, 51.

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