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In Memoriam London’s Last Farewell to King George V

Date produced: 1936


Eunice Alliott

Eustace Alliott


"Scenes of the preparations in Parliament Street and Whitehall an hour before the funeral procession and the procession itself filmed from an upper storey window in Parliament Street" (EAFA Database).

In Old Rothenburg

Date produced: 1959


Esther S. Cooke


"Another documentary - travelogue in Esther Cooke's usual style of presenting in an easy way a phase of an old European town. This time old Rothenburg, with its ancient buildings and customs, and pageants re-enacting the past. In the village square there are interesting colorful patterns danced by the young folks. The narrations fills in interesting historical sketches contributing a great deal to the picture. This might be a citadel taken from the pages of a story book" PSA Journal, Nov. 1959, 47.

In Search of Switzerland

Date produced: 1936


Laurie Day

Stuart Day


"Holiday footage taken by Laurie and Stuart Day during a fortnight’s break in the Swiss Alps prefaced by, and concluding with, scenes involving Laurie and Stuart Day at home in Stoke on Trent" (EAFA Database).

Indonesia to Europe

Date produced: 1935


Walter Link


"Film footage moderately edited with added intertitles, shot in Ceylon, Egypt, and Italy by oil explorer and geologist Walter Link during his personal vacation, records various tourist destinations. Landmarks include: the beach and harbor at Colombo, Sri Lanka (Ceylon); the Sphinx, pyramids, Mosque of Mohamed Ali and Egyptian Museum in and around Cairo, Egypt; Villa San Michele in Capri, Italy; and St. Peters and the Coliseum in Rome, Italy. Footage consists mainly of sights and structures, and features little interaction with local inhabitants," Human Studies Film Archives, Smithsonian Museum.

Isle of Man for Holidays

Date produced: 1933


Harold Preston

Sidney Preston


"Members of the Preston family on holiday in the Isle of Man. Various locations around the island are visited - including Douglas, Derby Castle and Onchan Head. At Groudle Glen, people are seen having a ride along a miniature railway and a zoo keeper is filmed throwing fish to a hungry sea lion in its concrete enclosure. Further scenes include close up shots of the Laxey Wheel in motion and a manx cat. Concludes with footage of the seafront at Ramsey." (NWFA Online Archive)

It Started as Bridge

Date produced: 1962


George Merz


"It started at a game of bridge when one of the ladies observed a charm bracelet worn by the hostess and asked her to tell them about it. The charms were acquired in the several cities visited in Holland, Norway, and Sweden. Rotterdam, Sweden, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Stalheim in the mountains, the Yosemite of Norway. They visited the modern and the old parts of the cities, the waterfront, historic places, fish market, shop windows, amusement areas, countryside and rural settlements and villages. They explored the facilities of surface transportation. The narrator's voice adds a delightful touch to this travelog" PSA Journal, Oct. 1962, 35

Italian Diary

Date produced: 1964


Frederick C. Harshbarger


"Italian Diary takes us to Italy where we see many of the old familiar places but lots of little seen nooks and crannies as well. A young girl narrator gives life and effervescence to the film which otherwise could well be just another travelog. Harshbarger has tied the sequences together with a travel album, showing us color photos on the pages of the album which then come alive on the screen. The film also received the MPD Travel Film Award, judged as being the best travelog of well over a dozen that dotted this year's contest, six of which were among the top ten and the honorable mentions" PSA Journal, Sept. 1964, 50.

Italian Marble

Date produced: 1962


Fred W. Borgman


"The film opens in Florence, Italy, with the statue of David by Michelangelo, in marble. Then we quickly move to the quarry to observe the processes of opening a crack, part of the process of shearing off a piece from the huge mountain of marble. Later we see the cutting and slicing into useful slabs and polishing. Also, we visit a studio where, among other works, a large block of marble is being carved into a statue of Abraham Lincoln for the city of Boston. The commentary on tape is well done. This will be included in the Package" PSA Journal, Oct. 1962, 33.

Italy [1931]

Date produced: 1931


Stephen F. Voorhees


"Stephen F. Voorhees's 400 ft. travel film of Italian architectural scenes deserves placement in this list because it combines three factors but rarely brought together in pictures of this type. First, the photography is extraordinarily good, not only with reference to the routine requirements of exposure and focus but because it is artistic throughout and the composition never descends to the casual or the "snap shot" level. Second, Mr. Voorhees's film has a natural and easy continuity, jogging amiably through Venice and its environs, much as a traveler might do himself, pausing for a bit of incidental human interest and catching a scene that the filmer felt was unusual but presenting it without any preliminary flourishes, as one friend who might have said to another in the course of a stroll, "Don't miss that, by the way," pointing to something seen on the way. Last of the three things, so unusual to find combined, is a professional study, made by the filmer, himself a great architect, preserving those details which he wished to bring from northern Italy for later possible use. The great Colleoni statue is studied from many angles. Details of tiles and other wall ornamentations are offered and buildings are presented from one viewpoint after another. Yet all of this is done unpedantically and the nonprofessional audience is not aware that this subtle architectural record is more than a delightful travel film." Movie Makers, Dec. 1931, 658.

Italy [1933]

Date produced: 1933


Helen Peabody

Total Pages: 15