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Wheels Across Europe

Date produced: 1971


Julian Gromer


"In 2 parts, the film depicts a cycling journey around central Europe through Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia, West Germany, and the Netherlands. Tourist scenes includes shots of Venetian canals, the leaning tower of Pisa, and Dutch windmills.In 2 parts, the film depicts a cycling journey around central Europe through Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia, West Germany, and the Netherlands. Tourist scenes includes shots of Venetian canals, the leaning tower of Pisa, and Dutch windmills." Chicago Film Archives.

When the Cat’s Away

Date produced: 1938


Helen Rees Clifford


"First Film and When the Cat's Away, a double header entry, which takes honors jointly because of the strong relationship between the two, is the production of the Cinema Club of Lowell Junior High School, at Long Beach. Calif., and of the club's faculty adviser, Helen Rees Clifford. First Film, largely the work of Miss Clifford, summarizes the Junior High School group's experiences in producing When the Cat's Away, which is entirely the achievement of the youngsters. Together, the two films present a clear and concise picture of the initial production of a film by a junior high school movie club, from scenario writing and movie planning to the completed opus, ready for its premiere. So, in these two reels, one sees how the job of teaching movie making technique to youngsters, of ages from eleven to fourteen, can be handled efficiently and happily, and one learns how clear and coherent a little picture can be produced as a starter. Few high school photoplay clubs have begun so well and with so little lost motion. Very few high school first films are as clear and competent as When the Cat's Away." Movie Makers, Dec. 1938, 618.

When the Frost Is On the Punkin

Date produced: 1955


Film treatment of the poem "When the Frost Is On the Punkin" by James Whitcomb Riley. Intertitles with text from the poem are interspersed among images that match the themes and content of the poem. The scenes include shots of harvest work, fall scenery, turkeys, and pumpkins.

When The Red Gods Call

Date produced: 1931


W. H. Dodge


"When The Red Gods Call, 1600 ft., 16mm., is noteworthy as an exceptional record of wild animal life in the great north woods and was made by W. H. Dodge. With infinite patience and camera skill, Mr. Dodge succeeded in recording the natural movements of moose, bear and other wild animal subjects and his photography under difficult conditions, as exemplified in this film, is exceptional. The results gained in many of the telephoto shots and in shots taken with fast lenses and superspeed film were made possible by a specialized cine outfit, developed by the maker of the film himself. Beautiful nature shots, as well as exceptional night and flare work, add to the original qualities of this film." Movie Makers, Dec. 1931, 685-686.

Where Industry Thrives Amid Beauty

Date produced: 1943


Anna J. Doupe

Where the Americas Meet

Date produced: 1941


Esther Read

Morton H. Read


"There are clearly in Where the Americas Meet, by Esther and Morton H. Read, the same qualities which marked Holiday in Dixie, the award winning production made by Mr. Read last year. Here again is that intangible ability to evoke the feeling of past events, simply from pictures of their present landmarks. One can almost catch the glint of Spanish armor on ancient battlements, as Mr. Read's splendid cinematography and suave narrative study the fortresses of San Juan. Here again is that definite sense of research into the subject matter, before ever a foot of film has been exposed. Mr. Read piles detail upon detail with almost hypnotic elaboration, much in the manner of today's novelists in recreating the life of the Old South. If anything, the present film — like its predecessor — tells a tale too long, although speaking always with impeccable imagery and a wise use of words and music." Movie Makers, Dec. 1941, 567-568

Where the Sirens Sang

Date produced: 1953


Helen C. Welsh


"From the Island of Capri, Helen Welsh has brought home a charming, sunny vignette in Where the Sirens Sang. It is the sort of film any traveler would like to have as a memento of a pleasant sojourn. Miss Welsh's seeing lens has captured the spirit of the countryside, its people, its luxurious beaches, its typical transportation. For this reviewer, Where the Sirens Sang plays a beckoning tune indeed." Movie Makers, Dec. 1953, 334-335.

Which He Hath Planted

Date produced: 1946


Larry J. Fisher


"The Texas Forest Service was faced with a grave problem. Large parts of Texas were being devastated and deforested by numerous fires. The fires were caused by the idle fancy and carelessness of backwoodsmen. Which He Hath Planted was produced for the Service by Larry J. Fisher, ACL, as part of the campaign to lead these woodsmen into more constructive paths. It is a striking example of how, with imagination, a motion picture can be constructed to fit the needs of a very special situation. Mr. Fisher and the Forest Service had to find a common ground on which to base their appeal against the pyromaniacal instinct. Realizing that, however uneducated, most people from the backwoods have both acquaintance with and veneration for the Bible, they decided to peg their entire film on quotations from the Scriptures. What they have produced is a beautiful welding of applicable Biblical passages, both spoken and sung, to forest scenes, the end result tending to promote the idea that trees are rich and wondrous manifestations of God and are not intended by Him to be destroyed by man's casual whim. The lesson is well taught. But the film imparts a sense of beauty and reverence that far outlives the immediate lesson. For that, Mr. Fisher's blending of music and word and image is responsible." Movie Makers, Dec. 1946, 486.

While the Earth Remaineth

Date produced: 1945


Frank E. Gunnell


"With While the Earth Remaineth, Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award winner for 1945, Frank E. Gunnell crowns a long and distinguished career in the history of personal motion pictures. Beginning ten years ago with Adirondack Adventure, a Ten Best winner on 400 feet of black and white film, this career now embraces no less than ten award winners in nearly every category of amateur movies. Mr. Gunnell's chef d'oeuvre is a stirring and splendid climax to these efforts. The film is based upon the twenty second verse of the eighth chapter of Genesis, wherein the Lord pledges that He shall never again smite the earth, as He had done in the recent Deluge: For while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heal, and summer and ivinter, and day and night. shall not cease. Beginning with this great and noble theme, Mr. Gunnell doubles back in his production to show the creation of this Earth which the Lord has blessed. Here, used interpretively rather than for itself alone, Mr. Gunnell's superb craftsmanship with the camera rises to new heights of power and dignity. His sequences suggesting the formation of the cosmos and the first coming of light to the new planet are among the most stirring and purely creative passages in the history of amateur movies. His use of already existing scenes — a geyser or boiling springs of mud — to suggest the primordial genesis are imaginative editing at its highest plane. Flowers, fruits and the fowls of the air take on new beauty in Mr. Gunnell's moving testament to God's handiwork. As befits such a splendid theme, While the Earth Remaineth is scored with music of great stature. Presented with the picture are passages from Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony; the Symphony in D Minor, by Cesar Franck; Robert Schumann's Third Symphony; Harold in Italy, by Berlioz; the Deems Taylor suite, Through the Looking Glass; Omphale's Spinning Wheel, by Saint-Saens. and the Symphony in D Major, by Haydn." Movie Makers, Dec. 1945, 477, 494.

Whispering Sands

Date produced: 1957


Kyle Holmes


"Kyle Holmes has also turned his camera toward the recording of Shifting Whispering Sands and has used scenes of the desert country to blend with the old desert character. This film is less critical in the use of scenes, leaving to the imagination the privilege of filling in some of the details. It is most unusual that two almost identical films are entered in the same contest. It happened here and the two films were rated as almost equal" PSA Journal, Nov. 1957, 53.

Total Pages: 299