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$24 Purchase, The

Date produced: 1952


Terry Manos


"Terry Manos is one New Yorker who has outdone himself (and all other native or visiting filmers) in recording on film the glittering surface of the world's greatest metropolis and America's premier tourist attraction. For The $24 Purchase is authoritatively stamped with the unfailing precision of the Manos technique, the perfection of his lighting and exposures, the beauty and balance of his compositions. Accompanying it is a musical score (admirably recorded) that is generally fresh and germane to the subject, a narrative that (although burdened unduly by the factual trivia of the tourist barker) is delivered with professional skill. In other words, here is a superb visual document. But a document only. For The $24 Purchase records only that surface city which the eye may see. Missing from its makeup are the searching, individual comments on that city of one human mind. Missing also — and perhaps more importantly — are the evocative emotions of one human heart, a heart reacting freely and unafraid of emotion to Manhattan's towers and tenements, to her opulent splendor and her economic ghettos. The film — tragically, if you will — has omitted any message. And, perhaps only by the margin of this omission, it has missed greatness as well." Movie Makers, Dec. 1952, 340.

1 Mayıs 1977 [1 May 1977]

Date produced: 1977


Kaya Tanyeri


“Kaya Tanyeri 1 Mayıs 1977 mitingine elinde 8 mm kamerası ile katıldı. Kızı Çağla Tanyeri de ses kayıtlarını alıyor ve babasına yardım ediyordu. Kaya Tanyeri miting öncesi Beşiktaş’taki coşkuyu ve Taksim’e yürüyüşü kaydetti. Taksim meydanına geldiğinde ve “malum” katliam başladığında ne yazık ki çekimi yapamadı. Öncesinde çektikleri ile sonradan yaşanan katliamın fotoğraflarını kullanarak ve “Görevimiz Tehlike” filmine gönderme yaparak kurguladı. Hiç gösterimi yapılmadı. Bu film yıllarca Kaya Tanyeri’nin kişisel arşivinde kaldı. Ta ki bize erişinceye kadar. Biz bu filmi ve Güneşli Bataklık filminin kamera arkası belgeseli olan ‘Güneşe Dönük Kamera’ isimli 8mm filmlerini dijitalleştirdik. ve işte sizlerle paylaşıyoruz.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/1-mayis-77-1977/ (1 November 2019).

“Kaya Tanyeri attended the meeting, 1 May 1977, with an 8mm camera in his hands. Her daughter, Çağla Tanyeri, was assisting the recording as well. Before the meeting, Kaya Tanyeri made a record of the "enthusiasm" in Beşiktaş and the march on Taksim. When they came to Taksim, the infamous massacre was just starting and he could not continue to record everything. Using the former shootings and the photographs of the massacre, he edited the multiple audiovisual resources in reference to the Mission: Impossible. The film has never been screened before and it was stored in Kaya Tanyeri’s archive until Çağla Tanyeri found the original material. The original 8 mm film was digitized to share with a larger audience by Sinematek.” Sinematek.tv: http://sinematek.tv/1-mayis-77-1977/ (1 November 2019).


Date produced: 1970


Jeffery Lieber

Margaret Stenberg

Michael Sherlock


"Columbia College student film about a young man receiving and responding to his Vietnam draft card." Chicago Film Archives


Date produced: 1959


Antonio Cernuda


"The Title is taken from the opening scene of a shoeshine box busy shining shoes with the help of a small boy. On the side of the box is the price of the shine, 10¢. An episode in a series of events in which the little box is every presented. A simple, yet touching portrayal in which the audience is so carefully drawn to live those few minutes with a wonderful little boy. The film leads but does not close in on us, our emotions may move with our interpretation. The maker, Antonio Cernuda, with a display of the artist and philosopher, has earned his second Gold Medal Award" PSA Journal, Nov. 1959, 47-48.

104, The

Date produced: 1965


Oscar H. Horovitz


"The 104 is a serious, factual recount of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Mass., early in the 17th Century in terms of what one sees and finds in the vicinity of Plymouth Rock today. The rock itself is the legendary start of it all, followed by glimpses of wax figures that have been created to resemble some of the monuments and other scenes in the area" PSA Journal, Sept. 1965, 51.

12th Tokyo May Day, The

Date produced: 1931


"Prokino recorded the May Day every year from 1927 to 1932. Among these films, this work is the only one that has survived. However, only its first part has survived. The original film depicts the march to the Ueno Park where the rally was dismissed."

141 Ranch

Date produced:


Peter Pauls Stewart


"This amateur film chronicles several young ranchers in their day-to-day activities. The film is divided into six chapters, each highlighting a different theme. Setting the scene with shots of a river bend and surrounding cliffs, the movie shows two young men skipping stones by a creek. After playing around with rocks and a rope swing, they drive back to 141 Ranch. At the ranch, they take care of their cattle and spend quality time grooming and riding their horses. The last chapter introduces a strange boy, who startles one of the ranchers as he washes a frying pan outside. The film ends with the young men riding their horses towards the camera" Texas Archive of the Moving Image.

158 W. Erie

Date produced: 1971


Joseph Oner


"University of Illinois Chicago (UICC) student film that documents the Chicago Fire Department house and fire officers of 158 West Erie Street. Images of the officers at work and play are interspersed with portraits of the firehouse, which is located in Chicago's River North neighborhood." Chicago Film Archives

1928 Greater Brighton Celebrations Duke and Duchess of York at the Royal Pavilion and Carnival Procession of Decorated Vehicles

Date produced: 1928


Harold Preston

Sidney Preston


"Members of the Preston family enjoying the carnival celebrations at Greater Brighton, in 1928. Various activities are seen taking place on the beach, seafront, streets and promenade. Includes shots of a jazz band performing outside; people driving miniature cars around a small race track and a woman playing on a one-armed bandit machine. Also includes footage of the Duke and Duchess of York's visit to the Royal Pavilion." (NWFA Online)

1932—A Day

Date produced: 1931


Louis Loose

Total Pages: 299