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Three Floors Up

Date produced: 1935


Ben Carleton


"Morality tale about the corrosive effect of money." (EAFA database)


Date produced: 1971


David Celestinos


"Un documental sobre las acciones plásticas de Raúl Tovar, pintor pop integrante del Salón Independiente, egresado –igual que Celestinos– de la ENAP. En él aparecen jóvenes con los cuerpos pintados de negro y las bocas rojas en algo parecido a un happening, la elaboración de un mural colectivo con frases icónicas de la época ("la imaginación al poder", "Peace", "Love", citas de Lao-Tse, etcétera). En la película predominaba un ambiente psicodélico que no llegaba más allá de la obra del pintor y del contexto juvenil en el que se producía" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).

"A documentary about the plastic art actions of Raúl Tovar, a pop painter member of the Independent Hall, alumni –same as Celestinos– of the ENAP. In it, young people appear with their bodies painted in black and their mouths painted in red in some sort of happening, there is also the making of a collective mural with iconic phrases of the time ("all power to the imagination", "Peace", "Love", quotes by Lao-Tse, etcetera). A psychedelic ambiance prevailed, not going beyond the work of the painter and the youthful context produced at the time" (Vázquez Mantecón, 2012).

Visit to an Art School, A

Date produced: 1932


George H. Higginson


"Pottery and fashion design, etching and metalwork, sculpting and woodcarving, painting and still life drawing - aspiring young artists and designers in Manchester improve their skills while pursuing their career dreams in this fascinating and beautifully filmed record from the inter-war years, shot by their fellow School of Art student George Higginson." (BFI Player)

With Stronger Reason

Date produced: 1964


Lawrence Marinelli


"With Stronger Reason is a photoplay about an artist who is disgusted with his efforts–disgusted, in fact, with life in general–at least what life has been to him. Flashbacks at the beginning work to the film's favor, and excellent black-and-white photography plus some of the best camera work in this contest in recent years are features of this outstanding story film. It also received the MPD Scenario Award and the MPD Sound Award" PSA Journal, Sept. 1964, 50.

Total Pages: 4