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Amigo Enemigo [Friend Enemy]

Date produced:


Eloy González Gavilán


Una mujer camina por el paisaje entre ruidos. Hace fuego para calentarse un poco de comida pero un sonido la invade. Se encuentra con un soldado muerto dentro del bosque.

A woman walks through a landscape while noises are heard. She makes a fire to warm some food but a sound overcomes her. She finds a dead soldier inside the woods.

Chilmark: a Florethel Film Fantasy

Date produced: 1927


Alexander Black


"Combines ancestral memory with reincarnation when the main character falls asleep, sees nymphs dancing in the same landscape hundreds of years in the past, and confronts his previous incarnation herding sheep and wearing fur." UC Berkeley Library.

Día de rally, Un [A day of rally]

Date produced:


Eloy González Gavilán


Una película que nos muestra los preparativos previos a un rally de cine con entrevistas a los cineastas que participaban en el mismo. A la par ocurre un concurso de Soka-Tira.

A film that shows the preparation for a film rally with interviews to the filmmakers that are participating. At the same time there is a tug of war contest.

Dune Dreams

Date produced: 1953


Dick Baty


An elderly couple visits the beach, where they observe young people engaged in sports and romance. These sights prompt the couple to reflect on the story of how they met at the same beach in their younger years.


Date produced: 1944


W. R. C. Corson


"W. R. C. Corson, close friend of the late Hiram Percy Maxim, FACL, Founder of the Amateur Cinema League, and for several years an invalid, demonstrates his loyalty to the cause of personal filming and his determination to achieve in that field by a revision of travel footage made in a more active period. As its name might indicate. Elysium is a remembrance of happier days, containing sequences chosen for their beauty or evocation of delightful times, and haphazardly geographical. Scenes filmed from the air are interspersed with records of faraway places as Mr. and Mrs. Corson are seen wandering here and there. Here is the gallant and intrepid accomplishment of a pioneer movie maker who is still "in the game."" Movie Makers, Dec. 1944. 496.

From the Embers

Date produced: 1952


Glen H. Turner


"A western, in color, about a drifter looking for work and then falling in love with his employer’s granddaughter." Church History Library.


Date produced: 1966


Kevin McMahon


"Goyai our first 9.5mm film entry in many, many years, is a neat little package that portrays an elderly man who, in the twilight of his light, goes back to see the old homestead that he knew in earlier days. An excellent track is a great help to the mood of the film" PSA Journal, Sept. 1966, 35.

Largo Caminar, Un [A long walk]

Date produced:


Eloy González Gavilán


El filme muestra diversos paisajes naturales de Ribera en Álava (España) mientras se escucha la narración de un hombre reflexionando mientras deja atrás la ciudad y mira las montañas y ríos. El hombre recuerda distintos fragmentos de su vida y mientras mira el río concluye que aún le queda un largo camino en la vida.

The film depicts several natural landscapes of Ribera in Álava (Spain) while a male voice narrates the reflections of a man while he leaves the city behind and watches the mountains and the rivers. The man remembers many fragments of his life and while he sees the river he concludes that there is still a long road ahead for him in life.

Lekeitioko jaiak [Lekeitio Celebrations]

Date produced:


Benito Ansola Erkiaga


Desfile de gente disfrazada por las calles de Lekeitio hasta llegar a la plaza donde se reúnen todos y hacen sus respectivos espectáculos.

A parade of people in costumes in the streets of Lekeitio, until their arrival to a square where everyone meets and perform.


Date produced:


Eloy González Gavilán


Después de una noche de tragos en un bar, Olga sale con un extraño y lo lleva a su hogar. Mientras tienen relaciones sexuales, ella ve la foto de un niño pequeño en la pared, y recuerda tocar el piano y divertirse con el. Después el filme muestra a Olga en el baño inyectándose drogas para después vagar por las calles bajo la influencia de narcóticos y alimentar a un perro con pan mientras continúa recordando estar con el pequeño niño. Olga regresa al mismo bar acompañada de una mujer y se emborracha; después de salir juntas hacia el hogar de Olga, empiezan a desvestirse y besarse. Olga ve la foto otra vez y empieza a llorar, esta escena es seguida por imágenes de ella recibiendo oxígeno en una ambulancia y después llorando a lado de la otra mujer, mirando la fotografía.

After a night of drinks in a bar, Olga leaves with a stranger and takes him home. While having sex with him, she sees the picture of a little boy on the wall, and remembers playing piano and having fun with him. Afterwards the film shows Olga in the bathroom injecting herself with drugs, wandering the streets while in the influence of the drugs and feeding a dog with bread while she keeps on remembering being with the kid. Olga then goes to the same bar with a woman and gets drunk, they leave together to Olga’s home and while they begin to undress and kiss, she sees the picture again and starts crying, this scene is followed by images of her receiving oxygen in an ambulance, and then crying again next to the other woman, looking at the picture.

Total Pages: 2