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Mattina d’operazione o Operazioni [Operation Morning, also: Operation]

Date produced: 1935


Gian Luigi Dorigo


"doc. scientifico"/scientific documentary

"I Guf di Firenze ha prodotto quest’anno due film scien­tifici. Il soggetto del primo: Medicina e sport è di Franco Pratesi e la Regia di Mario Chiari. II film ripreso, da Fosco Maraini e sonorizzato cla Ales­sandro Krauss, ha lo scopo di divulgare fra gli sportivi e i medici degli sportivi tutta quella serie di indagini neces­sarie affinchè ogni individuo che si prepara a svolgere uno sport sia indirizzato verso quell'attività più adatta al suo organismo, si che ogni sport abbia il contributo degli individui più adatti. Dalla massa dei giovani che entrano nei ranghi univer­sitari si inizia la selezione con l'esame medico generale, passando poi all'esame etnico morfologico e quindi all'esame funzionale (esame del polso e del respiro, pressione arteriosa, gettata cardiaca, diagrafia del cuore, elettrocar­diografia, capacita vitale, metabolismo basale, debito d'ossigeno, dinamometria, ergografia). Ai lavori Standar per Ie misurazioni sono state sostituite gare sportive di vario carattere, principalmente di gare alle ad individuare particolari requisiti: Canottaggio, sci, disco sul ghiaccio, gare atletiche, mettendo specialmente in raffronto il comportamento in gara di un atleta allenato e di un atleta non allenato. II film è completato da diagrammi animati a illustra­zione di particolari indagini (gettata cardiaca, metabolismo basale, ecc.) ed è stato realizzato servendosi delle dota­zioni del Laboratorio di Valutazione Fisica e Sportiva del GUF di Firenze, e con la collaborazione delle cliniche Uni­versitarie."

"The Guf of Florence has produced two scientific films this year. The screenplay of the first: Medicine and Sport is by Franco Pratesi and the direction by Mario Chiari. [The other film is Trasfusione di sangue.] The film, shot by Fosco Maraini and with soundtrack by Alessandro Krauss, has the purpose of divulging among sportsmen and sportswomen and the physicians of sportsmen and women that series of investigations necessary so that every individual who prepares to play a sport is directed towards that activity which is most suitable for his or her organism, so that every sport has the participation of the individuals most suited to it. From the mass of young people entering the university ranks, the selection begins with the general medical examination, then passing to the ethnic morphological examination and then to the functional examination (pulse and breath examination, blood pressure, cardiac output, heart chart, electrocardiography, vital capacity, basal metabolism, oxygen debt, dynamometry, ergography). The work of standard measurements have been substituted by sports competitions of various character, mainly by competitions to identify particular requirements: Rowing, skiing, ice hockey, athletic competitions, especially comparing the competitive behavior of a trained and an untrained athlete. The film is completed by animated diagrams illustrating particular tests (cardiac output, basal metabolism, etc..) and was made using the equipment of the Laboratory of Physical and Sports Evaluation of the GUF of Florence, and with the collaboration of the University clinics."

—Il Ventuno 47 (Review of the G.U.F. of Venice) July-August 1937

Model Anesthesiologist, The

Date produced: 1966


Wallace M. Shaw


"The Model Anesthesiologist is a clam bake purely for fun by a group of the medical brotherhood who are having a sort of jam session in their own way with their own tools, and they are willing to let the camera record it all for posterity. They sing, they clown, and they poke holes in the back of some poor victim as they burlesque their workaday world" PSA Journal, Sept. 1966, 34.

Night Call, The

Date produced: 1933


Kenneth V. Bloomer

Elizabeth Sansom


"Night Call, made by Elizabeth Sansom, ACL, and Kenneth V. Bloomer, ACL, is noteworthy for its attention to exact detail in the portrayal of an event in the daily (and nightly) routine in the lives of two physicians who receive a "hurry call" to perform an appendicitis operation. Miss Sansom, in the course of the story, films an operation sequence that seems letter perfect, both from the point of view of the operation itself and of the lighting, closeup and photographic technique employed." Movie Makers, Dec. 1933, 523.